What are three things you need to buy?
365 QOTD What are three things you need to buy? Hmmm. Let me think.. I've been thinking of getting myself new undies, but as far as I really need at the moment, I can't think of anything at the moment. That makes me realized that I really don't need a lot of stuff. I am not really into cooking recently, so I haven't been going to the grocery for big purchases. Ah! I remember, I need to buy water. ******* Today was quite a good day I suppose. I was browsing some articles for a group project and I landed into an Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, 3 Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions 1. Broaden vocabulary about emotion 2. Identify the intensity of the emotion 3. Write it out. Over time, this blog had been a good space about all the above-mentioned but haven't really been paying attention to the significance of it all to my emotional being. Though I know that this space had been a very good avenue of expression for me, I didn't really ...