
Create(?) (!) (.)

I was so lost at home that I couldnt accomplish anything that D suggested I go and work at my friend’s cafe in the city. True enough, I was able to do things and more. Capped it off with a conversation about creative work with one of the foreign people I know and I am fond of as well. She has been writing and sometimes not writing and I wish I can have the same passion for writing as she has right now. I always tell myself, I wanna be able to write but Im not even writing anything.  So what do I create? I tell her she should just keep writing whatever brain dump she has when I should really be telling and pushing myself to do the same. 

Personal Leadership Hour

I cant remember the last time I woke up really so early intentionally to do something like exercise, read an abstract of a research or write on my journal.  Well, today, it is happening. Time check: 4:09 AM JST as I write this and as much as I would like to exercise,  I think today, I will just write this down.  I actually feel good waking up at this hour and I would like to challenge myself to keep doing this. After this, I'll prepare a deck for presentation about Lesson Planning and then go back to bed after that.  It feels good to be able to do this stuff again.  I just finished reading the book The Leader Who Had No Title and I felt so empowered and awestruck how to live a life like that again and again. I am reminded that I have the choice and every opportunity to live the kind of life I want. And I had always wanted to be an "academic"/researcher and eversince I was single I had fallen short of acting like one and so my progress had been so slow to no progress. Nowa

Hump Wednesday It is

Finally changed the alarm clock from 6:45 to 7:30.  The daily temperature is getting cooler and just more cozy to just stay in bed and roll. But no. We don't want that.  Submitted my re-admission request for my master's degree in UPOU. Hoping it will get me back up and running, but honestly just praying for a mentor, an advisor that can lead me through. But I guess, that will just be myself.  I only have more than a year to spare for this selfish goal. After that, I have to focus on home-making and making use of my genes and of course, taking care of my husband. It has been quite a journey for us.  This year has been an opportunity to recover and move and hopefully get back into a healthier shape that is more ready for what is yet to come. 

just show up

A Filipino Olympian made himself a legend at Olympics 2024 by winning 2 gold medals at different gymnastics category.  Gold medal/s he had been preparing for all his life and what has probably just been his life ever since.  His best advice has been: Just show up.  As he has been doing so in all his training days. And look at him now, all eyes on him as he enjoys the fruits of his lifetime labor.  Meanwhile, as for me, all I wanted is to just gain the strength and energy back again, I obviously had earned back in the days , weeks and months that I showed up and moved my body, enjoyed the sweat, and pain and now, it just seems so hard to do.  The audacity of myself to give up on me. How can she do it me. But I don’t think she has given up on me? It’s too early to say. I think it is again and again that taken for granted attitude of procrastination that is pulling me back from my goals. 

Over-soaked again and again.

 I have been scrolling on social media endlessly, again and again. Again?  The awareness is there but the desire to stop and live life as it is, seem just hard to find and paralized as it is, might as well soak in the deep doom of scrolldom I did.  I have been unhappy inwardly for all things that I should be grateful for. After all, the things that I have right now were things I used to pray for.  The people and tribe I have around me right now, bring me so much joy and purpose.  The family has been strong and I pray that they continue to be stronger and healthier every day.  The husband has always been cheerful and active and positive about life and adventure. Of course we have our down days and that's the reality of it. In every prayer, I ask the Lord to give us patience, strength and unending love for each other so that we maybe able to fulfill the desires of hearts for our ownselves and for us a couple.  I watched Maricar's interview on Tony Talks and I am happy that I was

Black Forceps

 Black Forceps is a Japanese medical drama I recently finished.  I can't say it has the best line up of actors and actresses. But since I am a sucker for medical dramas, I got hooked into it.  The poetic lines were also applaudable up to a cringe level, but heck, I learned so much from it. Mostly, unkind words, bossy orders in Japanese. HAHA.  I still liked it. Stan. Ugh. I forgot whatever that Gen-Z word I want to use.  My obsession for finishing up when starting something got me glued into this 10-episode Jdrama, coz though the acting were all weird and just predictable, in many angles, the final episode still took me dumb-founded, jaw-dropped and hanging just because the ending wasn't really finished.  Until the next review no one asked for! 

I'm Still Here!

 How's life been going for you? I am still here, not feeling stuck anymore but kinda slow and moving.  Am I happy? I don't know. But if you ask me if I am grateful? ... A big YES! for every single thing there is?  Not much big plans this year and just really being able to live life as it is.  I don't know. It seems that sitting down and typing this like this takes much time? I am considering Video Diaries moving forward.. HMMMMMMM...