Epi and Mabini
Edited 30 Sept 2015 2:31 PM So much hype there is about the movie Heneral Luna. Before it was to be out in the cinemas, I read the synopsis for this movie. I told myself that I would watch it in the cinema. I'm happy I was one of the many who had seen it first and got to avail that student discount :) With everything that can be discussed in the movie, the last thing I had expected from anyone would be to notice or even ask "Why is Mabini (Epi Quizon) sitting down in the entirety of the movie?" I seriously can't imagine myself personally reacting to such question. I'd probably be, "Seriously? You don't know? He is even in the money that you use every day and you don't know?" Then, the social media outburst about what do teachers teach in the classroom? In history? Maybe if I didn't teach before, I probably would have thought that it's ALL the teachers' fault. It is an academic shortcoming on the part of the schools to not be...