Second Week Complete.

I’m on my second week in my new job.

These are few of the things I have noticed….

1.         Every corner is a showcase of art and masterpieces. Everything is art-based. Every kid is an artist. 
2.         The kids don’t have to bring their notebooks nor books. They just have to bring their bento, towel and toothbrush.
3.         The teachers can freely print their materials. They can ask the supply officer for things they need in the classroom provided that every thing is accounted for and used economically and for its purpose.
4.         The routine! From the time they enter the classroom, they change to their indoor shoes, put their bags in the box with their name on it. They also have this routine of washing their hands, using the toilet before and after snacks and lunch. Then a nap time.
5.         The kids are rowdy but they rarely fight each other. There is a corner in the classroom for toys! There is playtime inside the classroom.

So far, so good. There are just moments that it feels awkward to ask for something to do as there are already 3 adults inside the classroom—1 main teacher and 2 teacher assistants.

As an ESL Instructor, I am tasked to evaluate kids on their level as ESL learners and speakers. I am expected to suggest reinforcements, activities and other learning ideas suited for their needs individually. In the afternoons, I would also conduct either one-on-one or group English classes both for adults and young learners.

My real struggle is with the language. As I am a new one in this foreign environment with a totally different cultural background and practices, I have to be aware and conscious of everything. I keep track of new words I learn. I sit down with kids during their reading circle time and ask them to read me a Nihonggo book. There would also be moments I would ask them what’s a certain thing or way of something in Japanese. Hehe. They would sometimes pick on me! Poor me. LOL.

The daily commute is something I am learning to embrace. The morning walk from the mall to my place of work is a good way to exercise as well. The long line and waiting time for a jeepney at the terminal is also something I had gotten used to. I take it as a time to memorize and practice writing Hiragana and Katakana. 

Day job. Oh day job. I am so blessed to have this job.

Little steps to a certain goal. I know I am still far from it but I do look forward to getting there. I am writing this here so I can look back and see how far I have gone and so that I can remember the people, moments, struggles and realizations that will take there or somewhere better.


  1. Reading this reminds me of my beginnings and it gives me joy to see how you are realizing your dreams with small but steady steps.

    1. I do look forward to the day that this dream of mine unfold...I know it will be good, mostly for me but I will definitely share it with my family and people like you!!! :D :D

  2. Saan ka na ngayon cher Kat? :)

    1. Sa isang burgis na Japanese primary school dito sa malapit samin. :D :D hehehe


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