Rescue Me

Completed 13 Reasons Why and then started to read Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick wasn't a good idea.

Now, I am in a way down low kind of feeling.

Add the fact that it's my lolo's 2nd death anniversary today.
Take me out of this darkness. Hug me tight and tell me that everything will be alright.


  1. That show and the book it was based on is just one trigger after another. When I feel that way, I just watch sad Thai commercials on YouTube until the heaviness is out of my system.

    I'm sorry about your grandfather. Hope you start to feel better.

    1. why Thai? why sad? Haha.. Then, answer and I have more questions. LOL.

    2. coz they're really good at making commercials that make u cry a river. a 10-minute video packs quite a punch

  2. I haven't personally watched the show, but I have a lot of students who have. It has become a joke in the classroom; whenever someone says something mean to someone else, they respond, "I am going to add that to my reasons."

    It seems to me however, that a show that glorifies suicide is reckless and irresponsible. I was listening to a podcast not too long ago where they mentioned that in the past, whenever a popular novel or song comes out that seems to paint suicide in a positive, self righteous way, there is an actual spike in recorded suicides around that same time period. I hate to think about how many teens or even older people who are already suicidal are watching that program and being pushed over the edge.


    After typing this, found this article linking suicide in popular culture to actual suicides:

    1. I saw this on Facebook (which depending on where you lean could mean it's true or completely made up) that the creators of the show met with suicide experts so they can handle the matter delicately and not cause a spike in more cases. In the end, they did the complete opposite. :O what the hell right?

    2. Yes, I had also heard that

  3. Remember your Lolo when he was in his happiest and I think that's best way to remember him. That's what I do when my grandparents' (on both sides) death anniversary arrive.

    I have not read those books. I'll check them out at the library when i get the chance.

    1. It's a YA book about a teenager plannin to commit suicide. I had to stop reading it for the time being coz of what I had been feeling while reading it. Hahaha. But seriously I had to stop myself. I was still reading a few pages until my tablet died on me.

  4. Minsan yang ang downside kapag malayo ka sa family mo. Iba pa din kasi ang comfort nga family iba din ang sa friend


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