Randomthoughts 02 Nov 2017

1. Just when I thought that I had the time at work budgetted in such a way that I can include my own MA stuff going, paper works just kept coming. Oh wow!

2.  I have a lot of deliverables today but I still take time to complete this list. Talk about priorities in general. Of course, my venting out is a priority. LOL.

3. I tried not to read the PH newspapers today, good job self. But I checked the exchange rate, the PH peso sort of gone up. It's hard to kill a habit.

4. I thought of buying flowers for myself this morning. But I ended up grabbing coffee instead. Oh well, I will get those flowers on Sunday morning.

5. Tita G gave me a stalk of an indoor plant for replanting, it took me a week before I accomplished the task. Thanks to conscience.

6. Macy is giving up, but I am not letting her yet. Maybe until mid 2018. Sometimes, there are things that are difficult to let go of even though they are really worn out already.

7. Going back to coffee, so I grabbed coffee and I think, I will have 3 more cups today. Just because, I have to keep my brain working. Forget about my heart. LOL.

8. Talking about my heart, my heart is happy. Immensely happy that deep inside I am having those fears again. If ever that day comes, it shouldn't be any different. Expect that I am studying something new again so I can move on. Hahaha.

9. My last output gives me an average of 90% in one of my subjects, now as I work on my 3rd and final output, there is pressure to keep it at that or higher. Go self, pressure yourself more.

10. I am pretty much back to normal except the sight of my legs bruised, the left side a little bit swollen. I already use my new bike and I already pass at the same street, but I get off my bike every time I pass that main street. There are still memories, it takes time to really forget.


  1. Bukod sa kape, okay din ang mansanas. Pampagising ko rin ang kiamoy at mani.


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