What is a favorite piece of art that you own?

365 QOTD

What is a favorite piece of art that you own?

Hmmm.. A Hello Kitty vinyl item from McDonalds. It was birthday gift from one of my friends back in 2014, I think.


I am at the point in my worklife where I am at my lowest motivation level. I am going to work just for the sake of coming to work and I seem to have very little care about the quality. I make every effort to make sure that I have very minimal smalltalks with my colleagues and been on my phone, on social media even while at work.

I do look forward to waking up in the morning because I have to study and read. I like the smell of the coffee and the newly-baked bread at the basement of the Carino building where I stay for almost 1.5 hours to study and then head to work. I am still trying to build the routine because it is really hard to get up in the morning and be productive. I would rather curl in my bed and browse on my phone endlessly.

I had just finished reading Bored and Brilliant and I am putting myself into the challenge of the book. I know how much unproductive I am because of too much useless online browsing and lack of discipline at that, and it is never too late to improve my control and write about another success story in the future, right?

Tonight, I had dinner with my friends. So, the somewhat zombie-mode day was redeemed with good food, good friends and wonderful conversations.

After all, there are only bad moments, but never a bad life.

Tomorrow is rest day, I look forward to better days ahead.


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