Today was tough because….

365 QOTD
Today was tough because….

Today was tough because I only had almost 2 hours of sleep the night before.

I attempted to write an introduction paragraph for my final paper for LLE 204 but since I lack sleep, it was a challenge. I tried sugar and coffee rush, it did work for a couple of hours and then, I felt like rolling on my bed again.

For LLE 207 I got my peer assessment document and I am lost where to start. LOL.

So, I decided to contact Tita Gladys and asked if she is free and lucky me, she is! We went shopping for my PH giveaways. No matter how much I try to stick to the budget, I ended up doubling the budget. LOL. There were just so many things I wish I can buy and share to family and people back home. HAYST.

I will work on it next time. For the meantime, I hope they enjoy whatever I can give them.

I really lack sleep today, no regrets though J

Though it was stated that he will give me a call in the next few days, the ringing of the phone with his face on it still came as a surprise and it turning to a video call for another hour was completely unexpected. I just can’t helped but be mesmerized. I don’t know what’s with his face and looks that I really find him so handsome and manly. (He can’t read this anyway, so I write it here :P )

It felt like talking to a friend I haven’t been in touch for quite a while. That level of comfortableness to be silly, no make up on, and messy hair. There was also that awkward moments in between that I had went on to being speechless but I still wanted him to stay on the line. After a month, it was really nice to talk to him again.

It was me who talked a lot. I told him about the nanpa incident, my upcoming holidays- PH and Okinawa. And my not yet fixed plan of seeing the Prince Charming in Disneyland for my birthday in August. LOL. While he was more than excited to explain to me the basics of blockchain industry and bitcoins.

As to when is the next one, who knows. Universe, surprise me J

I am learning to write the good feelings as well, not just the sad ones, the disappointments and the lonely moments because we can never tell when the next great feeling will be or maybe it’s the only one. And it is a great reminder that life never runs out of surprises and good things and people around.



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