9 Dec 2023

Life Update. 

Parking lot secured! 

Finally able to find a parking spot for Blue. It has been months since we moved but had been relying on coin parking, a tita’s parking spot in the city and free parking when I’m out of town. Dunno how we survived but today, we signed a year’s lease of a parking spot and couldn’t be more grateful with the thought of it. 

D has been very into it and his language skills had come in handy with contract discussions and translations. 

We had been having our misunderstandings recently, and last night, we bought weren’t able to fall asleep until we were able to mend it all out and I’m just relieved that we are very much open into communicating our thoughts and feelings and plans. Doing things together as partners and growing as individuals on our own. 

The age gap challenges are slowly showing up but it has been personally teaching me humility and honesty. I had seen that being open with my thoughts had helped D step up his game and we both know that progress won’t happen overnight, I am learning to be more patient and kind as well. 

It’s a journey of highs and lows, I’m just grateful to the Lord that it is D that I get to do this life journey with. 


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