Personal Leadership Hour

I cant remember the last time I woke up really so early intentionally to do something like exercise, read an abstract of a research or write on my journal. 

Well, today, it is happening. Time check: 4:09 AM JST as I write this and as much as I would like to exercise,  I think today, I will just write this down. 

I actually feel good waking up at this hour and I would like to challenge myself to keep doing this. After this, I'll prepare a deck for presentation about Lesson Planning and then go back to bed after that. 

It feels good to be able to do this stuff again. 

I just finished reading the book The Leader Who Had No Title and I felt so empowered and awestruck how to live a life like that again and again. I am reminded that I have the choice and every opportunity to live the kind of life I want. And I had always wanted to be an "academic"/researcher and eversince I was single I had fallen short of acting like one and so my progress had been so slow to no progress. Nowadays, I fill those empty days with counter productive stuff like keeping the laundry basket empty, cleaning the house despite it being already organized and cleaned, doom scrolling desping knowing that I should be doing reading and learning, posting about what I do instead of shocking the world of what I had already accomplished. 

Even writing this one felt fulfilling coz in my head I had always wanted to be able to write these things again and again as a slap on my own face to wake me up, literally and figuratively. 

My life is a gift, and there is no better place than here to record it. Not social media, not my head alone. 

Good morning. 


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