On Leaning In.

My mentor suggested that I read this book: LEAN IN by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.

The author discusses about being a woman in the corporate jungle---how Sandberg survived and thrived in a career path where men are considered powerful. 

Allow me to share a few things that really made an impression on me. The entire book did, I had a bit of difficulty choosing which one to prioritize, but I know I had to choose.

1.       If you do please everyone, you aren’t making enough progress.
This is absolutely a struggle for and the organization I work with. I personally have internal debates as to when is the right time to rock the boat. I guess, there is really no perfect time, the right time is now. My co-fellows and I can only hope that we really are making a progress. We all have this desire to be liked by everyone, even though we all know that it can never be possible, we can only be liked by a majority but not by everyone. As I attempt to be liked by everyone, I should always remember my main goal of being in the community.

2.       Taking risks, choosing growth, challenging ourselves and asking for promotions (with smiles on our faces, of course).
I really like how she compared corporate world into a jungle gym and not a ladder. Jumping into the next opportunity for growth doesn’t necessarily have to be on the same field where one had started. It actually calmed my soul a bit. At least, I am not the only one having that concern. Swinging from one rope to another can also have its advantages of skills being brought it and the great challenge of learning something new at a very short span of time.

3.       It’s better to focus on specific problems with real solutions.

I want to work in the finance industry because that’s where I had spent most of my working years before I got into teaching. Do you have any suggestions for readings? Websites and companies I can check?

4.       Feedback is an opinion, grounded on observations and experiences which allows us to know what impressions we make of others.
 I wonder what impression I had made on others?

5.       Date them all: bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them.
I guess I have been taking this advice eversince. It really is just hard to find a good match.

6.       Done is better than perfect.
Working in an environment which has very high standards in some way made me hesitant to try new things. I became afraid that I might not be able to do it and just make an embarrassment out of myself. I should try embracing this mantra and not let the dreams of perfection stop me.

7.       Every job will demand some sacrifice. The key is to be able to avoid unnecessary sacrifice.
As for unnecessary sacrifice, I really can’t think of anything. So far, with all the decisions I’ve made, I had learned not to regret anything.

My final takeaway in this book:

Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.


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