Dear Jesus Christ,

They say that you weren't really born on 25th of December. Nonetheless, people had chosen to celebrate Your birthday on that day. I hope you don't mind. We just want to thank You for coming to save us from our sins and from the fires of hell. 

I hope you receive more letter than Santa does. You see, when I was a kid, I used to believe he would really grant my wishes. I would write him a letter only to realize that it should be You that I should have been writing to, not to wish for gifts but to express my gratitude. 

More than two millenia ago, you were born in a manger to later on fulfill the prophecy to die on the cross at Calvary to deliver us from sins. We were told but  most still did not believe. I am grateful that I have come to know. I do believe in You being my Savior and Redeemer. You have been guiding me eversince. 

As time goes by, as the merriment becomes grander, a lot of times we forget the true meaning of Christmas. There are times that I become sad because I don't have fancy stuff for the holidays, I can't afford a sumptuous meal, I can't buy gifts for the people I love. There are also times that I envy people around me for all the good things that they brag about. 

I am sorry if I feel that way at times. If You were here, You probably would have tapped my shoulder and told me that I am far more blessed soul than I had thought of.

Who am I to wish for fancy things, feastive meal or expensive gifts when You, the King of Kings chose to be born in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes, then die in a wooden cross. 

You gave Your Life for me. Knowing that Someone chose to die for me is something I should be bragging about. 

From the Lord of all creations, I had received the most precious gift. I quickly forgotten. The Ruler of all nations, saved me. I cannot ask for more. Nothing can be grander of a gift than The Gift of Salvation. 

As I remember that, it gives me comfort eventhough the house I live in with my family is dilapidated, we don't have all the delicious meals in our table, I don't have money to buy those materials things. 

I have a loving and faithful family. You surround me with wonderful people. You shower me with great blessings, most of the time, more than I asked for. Especially on those days when I make full surrender to You. 

So, who am I ask for grandeur when my Saviour chose to be born in humility? I am nothing but a blessed soul. Continue to rule my life for I find peace and comfort in Your presence. 

Your Servant,


  1. Amen to this Cher Kat, great realization and profession of faith.

  2. You really touched my heart Kat! The most beautiful letter I read this year!
    God bless your soul. You are really a sweet girl;)


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