Coron 2015

It's here!

I really have no inclination for this kind of art. LOL. But I had fun looking at our photos and stitching those videos. I'd probably do more for more practice in the future. I remember Asiong while doing this, he said it's like Nirvana, I think I understand what he meant by that.

I enjoyed doing it. I do it every day a few hours before I sleep ( I actually just stare at the photos most of those times LOL) and having it as the last thing I see before I sleep, I can't help but smile and just feel excited to share with you this adventure.

Asiong would have done a super way better editing, I know.. Maybe next time :) :) :)

Culion Island
Lusong Shipwreck
Mt. Tapyas Viewdeck
CYC Island Resort
Twin Lagoons
Barracuda Lake
Kayangan Lake
Siete Pecados

Music by:

Best Day of My Life by American Authors
Good Time by Owl City feat. Carly Rae Jepsen


  1. I have nothing to say but thank you for the company. This video is really good because watching it makes all those good memories come back. If I can go back, I will be doing some video taking so as to cherish more of the adventure and the friendship. Great job for the editing!

  2. simply breathe taking. wala akong masabi. ang gondooo!
    and belated happy birthday cher kat ^_^


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