25 December 2015

It’s 3 o’clock past twelve midnight. I just got up from bed and I still feel dizzy because of the lack of sleep and rest. But I can’t fight my grumbling stomach’s plea to get up and eat. So, I did. Everyone from the household has gone to bed after Noche Buena.

A few years back, I take time to collect gifts for everybody that made my year special, count my godchildren and made sure not to miss anyone. Christmas shopping used to be an exciting thing to do. Grocery shopping used to be something I look forward to. I even try to make a checklist of everything for budget and to make sure not to miss anything. Eventhough I would usually had to go to work on Christmas Eve, Christmas preparations used to excite me.

As I get older, Christmas gets more solemn, silent and alone or just being around people in small numbers. This year, my shopping list was minimal and was done the last minute. I never had plans of wrapping gifts this year, everything would have been on cash gift basis as that is the easiest and lightest way to go around. I had no plans of wrapping the gifts, but still I did. It was still a fun thing to do. Imagine wrapping excitement and then the person receiving the gift unwrapping surprise.

Christmas day itself will be spent doing the laundry. After a couple of weeks plus this week’s clothing, I can’t afford to miss another laundry session. My closet is almost empty. Haha. I was thinking of coming to Tagaytay with Tita and Tita with their guests from La Union, but my laundry couldn’t wait any longer. Then, later in the afternoon, I will go to my parents’ house bearing gifts and ready to hear the latest neighborhood “news” from my childhood friends.

A few things hasn’t changed though like taking time to spend time with people who are special and important in my life. Giving and surprises are still exciting. Gratefulness in everything and everyone will always be there. As I try to live a life of gratefulness, my Christmas will always be special. Also, Christmas is never about me.

Happy Birthday Jesus! From the manger to the cross, you gave your life to save sinners like me. I am nothing but a grateful soul for that.


  1. Merry Christmas again and more power to washing!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope your laundry is done by now.

    Our Christmas was quiet and uneventful. I do miss being around the bigger family gatherings, but this year has been really hard on me and my husband, that a quiet and relaxing Christmas was all we wanted. I hope for great things in 2016.


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