25 May 2017

365 QOTD

Did you have a dream last night? Describe it.

Hmmm... it was a dreamless sleep.

I didn't attend the Japanese class today. I just stayed home and prepared breakfast slowly and ate it more slowly.

I played my guitar and did one straight recording of my current favourite song, O Pag-Ibig. It was an entry to the PhilPop Music Awards 2016. But I didn't know if it got any award. After recording, I posted it on Youtube. LOL.

Work went smoothly today. Not really smoothly.

I sent an email to my siblings and my dad about the details of this month's remittance and it made me smile when my youngest sister acknowledge a line to be "Jollibee budget". I have always been bad at managing my own finances so I made it a point to do a breakdown of every bills to pay and a list of to-buys and daily expenses. So far, so good. Having an accountant father and a bookkeeper brother plus my own background in Accounts Receivables, made me a little bit more aware on how I should manage my finances, or at least try to really manage it. It is still a struggle, but I am getting there.

After work, I changed clothes and went out again to pay my bills. Then, I thought of peanut butter. So, I went to the nearest grocery store to look for peanut butter, but there was none. I ended up buying a pair of black shoes for work, sunscreen and a lipstick. Whatever happened to the peanut butter.

Dinner was fried fish, miso soup, rice and banana. The banana would have been perfect with peanut butter. Ugh.

Martial has been declared in the southern part of the Philippines. Reading posts on facebook has always been toxic on days like this one. As things start to get out of hand, I can only pray for the safety of my own family back home and hope that the current government would really deliver it's promise of peace and order.


  1. I too love peanut butter! I always keep a jar in my house. I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches for lunch sometimes. My son is allergic to peanut butter though :(

    I don't know much about Philippines politics, but I do know that the new President acts as if he is above the law and says very disturbing things about women. I hope things get better over there.

    Glad to see you are writing again.


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