Adulting is Hard

365 QOTD
Did you act your age today?

For most part, I think, I did.

I woke up early and cooked a decent breakfast. Went to the last day of the Japanese class. Just too bad that I wasn't able to attend the Graduation Ceremony (frown)

Still, it was some sort of accomplishment. Plus, I really learned a lot from it. It is now a matter of courage of applying it to my daily conversations.

I tried to prepare something more interactive and interesting for each class that I had today. Time flew so fast (happy)

I think I flunk of the money management thing as always. I forgot to withdraw funds for our gift for our Sensei. Then, when I already had the money, I implusively bought something at Daiso--- a cute bento box, a lunch box cloth and garters. Haayst.
I also forgot to pay my Leonet service. I was actually afraid that they might have disconnected my service as of today. So far, it is still working. (omg) Internet is Life. Please spare me your mercy.

Contemplating about my current financial situation took most of my concentration while eating ice cream on lunch break. I really am an impulsive buyer, that's why I need to make sure that I get to secure my savings for long term accumulation of assets. I grew up having not so much and almost begging for whatever others can give, I don't wanna go back to those moments and I want my parents to enjoy their adulthood too. So, now, how to I prevent myself from buying things I don't really need? ----- I need to keep the funds where I will have second thoughts getting into.

Hayst, Adulting is hard.
Why was I chosen to be one?


  1. very true...we should prepare always for all of us will become adult..


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