Are you holding a grudge?

365 QOTD

Are you holding a grudge?

Hmmm.. Not that I am aware of.
That's different from declaring that I am not holding a grudge against anybody, right? Coz I really am not sure if I am or I am not. Coz, as of now, I feel well and I haven't been thinking of negative thoughts lately, but you see, there will be triggers that can somewhat dig the not-so-good memories.

Ms. E sent me this link about the companionship dating trend in Japan. That kind of dating that doesn't involve physical connection. That kind of couple that just goes out like ordinary couples on dates, holding hands (maybe?), taking photos, having good conversation.

I am not really sure if this is something that I wish to have but with how I am a failure at intimate relationship, I think this "companionship dating" is something I am more capable of handling.

As I still have familial and personal goals to fulfill, emotional instabilities to deal with, career path to work on, this type of buddy up system would seem to be a good solution.

For one, I think what really makes endings of relationships devastating for me is because of the investments I had to put onto the intimacy of it. With the absence of it, maybe it will be a lot easier to deal with people leaving and pursuing something else. Or ghosting totally.

Falling in love in the process? I hope not. But who knows what can happen? It takes two to tango anyway.

For the meantime, let me keep myself busy as I work on forgiving myself with all the past mistakes and assumptions I have made. Learning in progress. Forgiveness in process. Loving in due time.


  1. Yep but sometime ang hirap maglakbay ng may emotional kemeruth


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