What’s the smartest thing you did today?

365 QOTD

What’s the smartest thing you did today?

Hmm… To get up and get on with my day despite the bodily pains. (You have no idea how low my pain tolerance is. LOL)

A combination of having the day as that first day of the time of the month, then an aftermath of surfing and yoga from the previous day and maybe falling asleep in birthday suit--- a not-so wise decision—I woke up with so much pain all over.

Ibuprofen to the rescue of course!

Work day had been productive at the first part, being able to finish the manual for the upcoming big event in July.

I had parents sit in my classes again today. The higher level class of 2 kids seem to be going pretty well on the first part until my boy student suddenly lost his confidence in speaking and things were still manageable until the end, but as a teacher, I felt his dissatisfaction about his own performance while his mom was there. The mom of the girl is just really relaxed.

My last class had been more interesting. It is a one-on-one class with a typical Japanese learner who started learning another language at the age of 13. Though he struggles, I can tell that he is determined. I, myself, was afraid to look at the dad coz that might affect my own performance as a teacher. But on the side, I can feel the dad cheering for his son whenever he is struggling with the sentence pattern or the answers for the questions I throw at him.

As a daddy’s girl myself, I certainly happy for this kiddo for having such a cool dad.

I still have pending tasks to keep me busy tomorrow which is nice.

Just so glad that I took time to cook last Wednesday night as it saved me time and energy for the coming days of the Time of the Month (TOTM) Copyright goes one of the closest friend I have so far in my life. LOL.

Hmm.. Movie and book nights ahead after Sunday! Oopps.. My Python lesson awaits as well. I almost forgot.


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