2 Jan 2023

​My new iphone14 arrived today! It was supposed to come tomorrow as per website but it made today! Better than I expected. I was thinking I’ll get it on the 4th coz we got a long trip coming tomorrow. 

This is actually my very first brand new phone in Japan. Every phone I got since I came here were either passed on to as used or I bought it second hand from an online shop. 

I got it on a 3-year installment directly from the Apple Store and I am hoping to pay it off sooner as soon as I get my other payables covered, my car insurance set for next year, my car paid off and being more familiar and set on savings and more ideal investments onwards.  

I haven’t really had a longer conversations with my family but I do hope to do it more often, way more often and way deeper conversations than the last year. 

Long drive to drop off Jay tomorrow and I really hope she had a good stay with me for the past 2 weeks. It was quite a holiday with her. I’ll treasure it forever. 


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