One More Step to Sucess: PBO Bazaar for a Cause
From one person's wish of extending generosity and kindness to others, the Pinoy Bloggers Outreach (PBO) was born. The first attempt to put smiles in the faces of others and share some time with them was done at White Cross Children's Home. I wasn't there. I didn't know much of what happened, how they did it, but I definitely know the fulfillment they have felt after it became a huge success. All I know, I want to be part of the next project. First thing first, I read the blogs of the others, started blogging, got introduced to great writers and personalities, and then I joined the Facebook Group of PBO where most discussions are being held, members can freely speak up their minds about the activities of the group and the likes. The search for the venue had been a struggle for we wanted to earn as much as we can yet, spend minimally for the bazaar itself. God is good! All the universe conspired. With the great help from Pasig Capitol Community Church, headed by Past...