One Hit Wonder

I first heard this song from my boss's birthday jam way back in 2010, but when I asked him about the title, he said, he didn't know. And since we seldom get to talk, I painstakingly took the effort of re-playing the video and getting the lyrics of the song, then searching it as it is, with the power of google, I got it! I  WILL STILL LOVE YOU by Stonebolt. It was a great hit sometime in 1978- a one hit wonder.

They call it a one hit wonder because it is the ONLY song of the band that really hit the top charts during their time. Hmm.. I tried to listen to other songs by Stonebolt but just like that of others, they really didn't appeal to me. I never tried to dig in further in the history of the band, how this song became it is and I just stick to knowing the song as it is.

I wonder what made the writer compose the song. The writer must have loved someone so much that even after all the pain and disappointment, the writer can still say he/she still loves that person. With no doubt, when we are going through a very tough time on our lives, we take time to appreciate and interpret the lyrics of some songs that we feel can define what we are going through.

Here's the lyrics of the song, I had injected a few of my unsolicited insights about it. Your violent reactions are also welcome.

It's EMO Time!

Love 'em and leave 'em

Give them the air
Hurt and deceive them
Say you don't care
Break their hearts and let them fall
Like rain on your back stairs
Then call me up tomorrow
You know I'll still be there

When the moon disappears forever

And the sun shines electric blue
And the mountains and trees tumble into the sea
To rest there for eternity
No matter what you do
I will still love you

So if all your bridges go up in flames

And if all your lovers strike you too tame
Or some sad song of love you hear
Can make you call my name
I will be there in a minute
And you know I'll feel the same

When the moon disappears forever

And the sun shines electric blue
And the mountains and trees tumble into the sea
To rest there for eternity
No matter what you do
I will still love you

So the weary traveler

Tired of passing through
Stops to get his bearings
And stays on to wait for you

When the moon disappears forever

And the sun shines electric blue
And the mountains and trees tumble into the sea
To rest there for eternity
No matter what you do
I will still love you
I will still love you

Talk about martyrdom. I'm sorry but I can't. I deserve to be loved back. Chos!
Oh well, if the sun turns electric blue, it means, it's on it's highest level of temperature, and yellow it's at it's a little cooler state. By the time that the sun turns electric blue, everything on the solar system had melted. Or the sun is ready to explode and become a blackhole. I wouldn't know, would you?

There was a time that I thought I can only love one man my entire life--that feeling you think you are most ready to spend your life together and explore the world together-- you are ready to embrace all the faults and shortcomings-- because you love him. But reality is not like that. Maybe during the early parts of the relationship, one can still make some sacrifices with the HOPES of being appreciated and your efforts reciprocated, eventually, you will grow tired and tell yourself,you deserve something/someone better.

IN CONTRARY to this song, I don't know if I can say "I Will Still Love You" after all the disappointments, hardships and failed promises I had suffered because of you. I had never expected you to be perfect, but I had expected you to be honest from the very start.

The rest of the lyrics takes you back to undying love and martyrdom again and again.
How would you feel if this song is dedicated to you? Or to whom would you dedicate this song?

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  1. Gusto ko 'yung song.. Maganda ang lyrics at tagos sa kaloob-looban...

    Hayyyy... Ikaw na emo...

  2. pampatayo ng balahibo at pangkisay ng neurotransmitter. <3

    1. aww... parang pang-horror naman ang dating... lols...

  3. narinig ko na po to sa tape collections ng tatay ko when he worked abroad. one of his fave! :)


    1. it's a classic, its one of those songs, ill never get tired of listening to :D

  4. A very nice song of love! Hays, maybe I can say it to my hubby. But, that kind of love is like is God's love. No matter what we do, He will still love us. The decision is ours to accept his.
    Have a nice day dear!

    1. indeed it is mommy a fan of old songs, though i really get most of them out of recommendations from friends.. :D


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