Back to the Rhythm.

I'm back in Miyazaki. Totally.

It took almost a day to clean all the mess I had made when I arrived last night. But, I'm back to the rhythm again. Hopefully. That new rhythm of Work, Study, Read, Eat, Cook, Work, Study, Sleep I had established on it's third week now. The sudden weekend trip almost tipped me off the rhythm, but I am picking it up again.

The trip was good. It was good proof that I can still be spontaneous and brave. I thought I can never be.

Meeting with my former students and now considered friends in Japan is such something I can't believe that could happen to me.

Exploring the museums, shrines and walking around the city on a good sunny Sunday, was a great escape. It made me miss my camera so much. I didn't really do a lot of shopping. I realized that I was looking for the same shops and so, there was really no difference. I just gotta check out other places. I was able to drop by the cafes I wanted to take a peek into and someday, I can really just chill out into one of them. I was also brave enough to seek for help about directions-in my broken Japanese speaking attempt.

I bought four little cacti plants and had put them on my table. Something new and different inside my little space. This is the start of my gardening journey. A long way to go.

I had also used the infamous dating app and for the 2nd time, and hopefully the last time, I deleted my profile in Tinder and uninstalled the app on my phone last night while on the bus. It is just something not really gonna work for me. I've met one guy through it over the weekend in Fukuoka. He was great! We had a good conversation over a few cans of beer and ume-shu, shared kisses while on a drunken state and parted ways in the end. That's all it can get me.

Im back in Miyazaki.
I'm back to my job, the modules, the chores, the books, and to myself.

You know where to find me.


  1. Was your ka Tinder date Hapon? Not a keeper? Hehehehe.


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