On a scale of 1-10, my day was a _______.

365 QOTD
On a scale of 1-10, my day was a _______.

My day was a 7.

I started the day like usual. Decent breakfast and a few readings for school. A documentary video on Space Exploration.

Then, the postman drop something on my posthole-- a rejection letter for a visa application that I had applied for a few weeks ago. I really should have gotten that JCB card instead. But I can always go back and work on that in the future.

Also had to deal with my frustrated little sister who had ran out of patience explaining to my dad why we cannot disconnect the cable services for the tv.

I didn't have any class today but will have a full-packed Saturday, so I took the time to prep for that. Luckily, it was quite smooth and I had the rest of the day to finish my module for LLE 201- Theories in Language Acquisition, which I did, but there are a few other that I needed to have more time, so I plan to finish tomorrow.

Tita G suddenly sent a message saying that we are going out for dinner. So, I rushed home, dropped my bags and changed clothes and went to the meet up place. We had yakiniku for dinner. Since Tita G wasn't in the mood for drinking, I opted to go to The Bar for a round and probably go home.

But, it didn't happen that way. Ms. Y was in the house! She had co-workers with her and were kind enough to let me join the group. It was fun and Ms. Y was translating those things I cannot understand and what her colleagues meant as well. I'm also getting better at playing billiards with Shige-san as my teacher.

We capped the night with a karamen!

I should be in bed by now as I still have a breakfast date with Tita G tomorrow.

Truly, life is surprising me in many simple ways. With kind people surrounding me, keeping me away from assholes and just reminding me to take care of myself for the right person to come.


  1. You always habe to surround yourself with people who will make your life better. Looks like you had a fum day!


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