What did you leave undone today?

365 QOTD

What did you leave undone today?

The worksheets.

I make extra worksheets for home study of my kids, but I just didn't feel like doing anything today for the next 4 week's. Instead, I took charge cleaning the shelves, the rooms and the office fridge.

I only had one class today and the boy even csme late. So, imagine how productive my world had been today at work.

Of course, morning had been productive. Started off with a 35-minute workout, made breakfast, and cleaned a bit.

Went out a bit earlier today to go to the stationery shop because I wanted to buy a good notebook for my new project of mindmapping things I wanna learn and remember.

I was tempted to buy pens but I had to remind myself that I still have enough and no need to get extra.

Then, I passed by Seria and I am have this new addiction with mason jars and reusable drinking straw as well.

Just counting down the days to the weekend for my Okinawa trip!

Me is excited ;)

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