What music did you hear today?

May 27, 2018

365 QOTD

What music did you hear today?

My Pop playlist in Spotify.

Today was quite a good day, I should say. I made it a productive day I suppose.

I just started the day a bit disoriented with timezones. I had a bit of confusion about the lesson time I had set but it wasn’t really a bad thing, I got to finish laundry ahead of time, compared to my first plan of having it spinning while I conduct my class.

Instead of cooking something, I opted to buy an obento at the grocery and ate it all up then cleaned a bit, prepped my bag, planned my route:

Went to the Bank
Paid internet
Got Bus Card
Went to Aeon Mall
Studied Japanese
Random hour vidcall from sisters
Random sent a message to a friend I haven’t spoken to in awhile
Shopped for new running shoes
Dropped by the bank again
Went Home
Met Tita G for dinner
Got home
Drank Tea
Write Diary

Then, the thought comes over and over again. I wish I have someone I can come home to. For now, it is just me and I just have to have it that way. But I am not losing hope that I will have that someone I will come home with and call my own.

As I have told one friend, I have a few good men in my life and I am thankful and proud of them, but how come whenever I try to open up, I seem to get involved with someone who seems can never meet the standards of the good men I have in the family?

Don’t mind my dramas in life. I am just tired and probably just really wish that you will come sooner. I will write you a long letter soon. Or maybe, just read my blog. I have written, so far the past 5 years of my life while waiting for you.



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