Better not drop jokes next time.

I met him online, more than a year ago. And we didn't get to meet in person until early this year. His name would randomly pop up in my phone screen and this type of presence had brought so much comfort to me. He would actually be there at the time when I was deeply troubled and emotionally down.

Then came a period that greetings had seem to be sort of regular. Mornings and evening and exchanges of footages from weekends and other adventures. Then all of a sudden, it stopped. He doesn't send me messages anymore.

I didn't really bother to reach out because I am not really the type of person who would initiate conversations or drop random messages to family and friends, but they do know that if they need anything from me or sort of remembered me, I am always on the reply zone. I intended to make that resolution for myself and was hoping to be proactive in terms of making family and friends special and remembered. I actually still struggling to be at that.

After all the busy days, I suddenly felt that he hasn't sent me any messages, I kept telling myself that I would drop him a message but never really did until a few days ago. I intended to have it as a light greeting and letting him know that I remembered him, jokingly asking if he was just busy or he got married or whatever has happened to him and that I hope he is okay. He did reply with one of those Crazy Busy stickers and said that it was typical of me and that he could ask the same of me, I retorted that he never did and he replied just because respects my privacy.

That actually had taken me aback. I am not sure if it was typical of me to ask and drop people messages and letting them know that I remember them, moreso, I am not sure if I would want to have my own privacy invaded.

I never intended to make him feel that way. But oh well, I still have a lot to learn in communication, in reaching and one of them is that not all people will take your intentions positively nor appreciate that you remembered them nor will you be able to always say it in a way that they will take it in a good way. This was one of those very few attempts that I have done and yet I still have to learn something more. But sometimes, it is far better to just shut my mouth and let him live his life that way he chose to. After all, I am just but a cyber person he had met along the way.

Oh well, at least I tried. Better luck next time?
Ooops. Better not drop jokes next time for me. I am just really not for it.


  1. Gosh, wouldn't it be better if people came with instruction manuals. I feel like you are both still trying to figure out what you want. I hope you patch things up.


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