OMG! _________________

365 QOTD

OMG! _________________.

OMG! I am still here and not trying to look for a new job. Am I crazy?


I would like to think that this is a sacrifice worth all the time, the money and the effort. They have so much of a big dream and I would like to be part of it.

Plus, the kids.. The kids. They are always my reasons to stay.

Drop Everything And Read.
I did that today. I am just so happy to have gone across the words I needed to know and to remind me that I am still in a better state of understanding the situation.

I miss home. I suddenly miss everyone. Which reminds me, I really should be working on my itinerary for the Manila homecoming soon.

So many struggles to work on at schools but holding on to the vision of better days ahead.

For now, I'll drop by my friend's bar to say hi and then I will grab some grocery and then shower and call it a day.

I need to fold those clothes before anything else.

Friday tomorrow.

So help me God.


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