A Prayer When You Need It Most

I can't stop crying.

Lord, the days are getting harder and harder for reasons I am having a hard time figuring out why. It has been harder and harder to get through the days without having to squeezing feelings on my chest and the feel to just cry and just be weak. It is tiring to be strong. It is using so much energy.

Lord, let me find my peace in solitude. Keep me reminded that I have such a good life filled with Your grace, knowing that I have Jesus in me and that I have a family praying for me.

Lord, give me the strength to shoo away the whispers in my head about being needy, lonely and purposeless. Never let me go, Lord.

Another day had gone. Another day tomorrow. I will close my eyes for  a good night sleep. Knowing that I will eventually find my way into with gladness and joy for service and living a good life worth-offering to the Lord when He comes again.


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