Big Dreams

Me: Ang laki ng mga pangarap natin madam! 
Her: Kailangan meeym para lumaki rin yung sa kanila. 

I've never forgotten this and part of a recent conversation with my School Director friend as we coordinate about my practicum goals to be matched with the training needs of the new teachers in our NGO School.

But here I am, lingering on this thought yet procrastinating on the tasks that needs to be done. I haven't even sent an email of apology for missing the schedules and the training modules that they are supposed to be working on at the moment. Hayst. 

Right after this, I am going to get back to where I left off in the preparations and deadlines. 

Big dreams coming into reality is a collection of minute actions built in consistency, patience and persistence. 

You got this, Kat. 


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