Slow Progress

I told myself I will finish 7 of 7 transcripts to record but I was only able to record 2. I told myself I will send a detailed email but I was only able to send one about rescheduling. I told myself I will write one module but I only got to its title. 

It is past bedtime, midnight and just about to call it a day. I have been chasing time, energy and focus for the past months, weeks and days. I've started  on a few things and can't seem to find consitency to continue on many of them and everytime I am about to give up, I tell myself to be patient and to try to do as much as I energy can make me do: a page, a line, a trim, a turn. The smallest effort to make it feel I have moved forward. Then, when I wake tomorrow, I will pick up where I left off. Maybe excited? Exhausted? I dunno yet. The goal remains the same: to finish what I have started, to pick up where I left off.


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