03 Nov 2021 Wednesday Hump

So, this is how this day had been going. 

I would like to congratulate myself for finishing a book. A YA book at that. Still not the goal, but having to finish a book and not glued to my phone, that is already an achievement. Now, just gotta change the element of the content to read and find language education and research as appealing and intriguing as romance stories of unrequited love, betrayal and sacrifices. Hayst. 

Does it really have to be this slow of a progress? Can I even call this as a progress? I can't even trust myself. 

Also, having the time to type this down right now is some sort of change. I have been wanting to do a lot of writing, just any kind of writing, and this is how far as it can be right now. 

Get that laptop open and have the reading pages open. 

A friend just sent a message about her visa application rejected and it also breaks my heart hear the news. Not the best gift for birthday. But sometimes, knowing the feeling of rejection is one of the best gifts in life one can ever get. 

Today's morning workout focused on the lower body and it felt really good. 

Lunch is ginisang monggo and pritong isda at Tita C's kitchenette and a time to hangout with some Filipinas as well. It will be a good one. 

A quick trip the museum before work should get me some energy for the day. 


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