2 Nov 2022

 It has been a long day.

I started this entry as I became distracted with writing for next week's teacher training program with the big goal of improving their teaching styles and techniques.

I wish I had started this project a long time ago. But I am also happy that I started this one now. It will still be a long way to go, my overthinking brain has this habit of impaling my systems and not be able to function well, it is such a tough inner battle. 

I am not even sure if what I am writing right now has coherence, I just want to write. I wish that everytime I feel like I wanna write something, I can write it right away. It isn't just possible. I guess, it is also not advisable. 

Writing needs reflections. I am restoring the habit of writing and reflecting at the same time. 

I see myself every night in front of my laptop typing away my thoughts, my plans, my visions and achievements be it big or small. 

Today I have done a lot of tiny steps about everything about self-improvement and self-discipline. 

I still have forgotten a lot though. For example, I need to start my day with a daily devotion reading and prayer. Not hold onto my phone at the onset of the day. So I will turn off the alarm on my phone and use the alarm clock for the purpose it is to be used for. 

I still want to write but I gotta go to bed. Still incomplete but I need to take a good rest to be able to complete for tasks tomorrow. 


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