9 Sept 2023

 I think it's a good habit to do brain dump in here. 

But that's what I have been doing here all along! LOL. But anyway, today, I tried to study/practice writing this morning. I just signed up for JLPT N4 exam and it costs ¥7500 (+/-75USD, +/- 3000PHP) 

And so hopefully, this year, I am praying for that breakthrough in passing the test this time, knowing that I am dedicating time to learn and study. Consistency is still a hard thing to say that I have achieved but looking into our study charts on how we have been making time to prepare the test, I am hoping to have better scores this time. Albeit, I am excited to see my friends pass the test. 

I woke up a bit late this morning and as I changed clothes, stood up in front of the mirror, I kinda liked the shape of my body, I felt lighter and happier and with that, I know that I can achieve this weight loss and active lifestyle I would like to restore in me. Still a long way to go. But I am happy that I am able to move. 

Also at this point in time, I have decided to just dedicate my time with things related to our island school instead of cramming and scolding myself for not being able to write a thesis proposal. 

The island school outputs are far more doable and needed. After all, since its a first time, who knows if there a research potential in there somewhere. 

As I plan to have a baby before I turn 40, there is an inner clamour to keep moving and doing little things to be good at something. 

I still want to build that retirement house for my parents, 

Travel the world, 

Write about how my partner has been so kind and patient to me, 

Reflect on the things to learn and unlearn as we navigate a life together, I used to just dream about. 

Brb, im gonna be late for a lunch date with a tita. 


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