Fridays and Coffee

It’s a Friday morning and  here I am waiting for my coffee to drip, the laundry to finish and of course, the next episode of House MD. 

Yes, House MD, that medical drama that was so famous back in 2004 onwards. I’m just on Season 3 right now. Oh also, I just completed watching Crash Landing on You late in 2023. 

Today, after all these things, I have to start readings, outlines for this month’s training, re-write previous trainings, go to the gym (?) ugh I have just been hating that place lately just because it is always crowded and not enough machine and I can’t use the studio to practice ropeflow. It wasn’t a very good choice to sign up but it was also a good choice to get me started with getting back to movement. 

And I can’t just break that daily streak of movement today because it’s cold!!!! And that big warm bath and onsen in there would be good to get started with afternoon work. Aaaashhhh. 

Before all these shenanigans, I gotta figure out what’s for lunch. 



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