Have you played the lottery?

365 QOTD

Have you played the lottery?

The real ones? Not really me, but my uncle would usually ask me to go to the lottery booth along the way home so I can check in his numbers.

I never really had luck in randomness.
But I still believe that the best things happen unexpectedly.
How weird, ironic or hopeless my trail of thought could ever be.


Saturday flew by quickly. As planned and not-so planned.

The morning private class went by swiftly as very conversational-type. He said that for the month of August he would like to take a break and resume classes in September. Behind that is a message that he doesn't seem to be needing my service anymore and a subtle way of saying, "I don't wanna pay for this crappy service anymore." I had been so unprepared lately, no more online postings of future lessons, no checking ins and outs, just really come in, get on with the hour and be done with it. So irresponsible of me, I know.

I really need to get my s$&% together.

My own Japanese class went smoothly as well. My teacher bought me a cup of coffee too. Then, I got an impromptu invite to an intimate encounter with the Gagaku-kai from Miyazaki Shrine. Gagaku is a very, very old and traditional music played in the Imperial Palace. It has three featured musical instruments all made with complexity and dexterity out of bamboo and played as woodwinds-- a ryuteki, hichikiri and sho.

I haven't eaten any real food too until Tita G came in for the evening to cook Tokwa't-baboy for dinner. We decided not to have rice with it anymore. We were supposed to visit some visiting Filipinos in Kanko Hotel but we were just both lazy to go. So, I just had made my way to the grocery to buy the stuff for dinner.

The later part of the evening was spent in Bumble, the dating app my friends had been telling me to try as well. I had a few matches and there were also a few number of users where I am at. Mostly, travelers. Like the guy I was supposed to meet but he had a last minute change of mind which I understand because it was indeed already late.

It would have been an epic first meeting. Had I used the app a day earlier or so, I could have a better chance of meeting an import baseball coach! But I guess, it is just not meant to be. So, I just go back to being normal again. I will just be keeping the dating app on the old phone and check it whenever I feel like it.

As I try to practice a growth mindset, I need to start putting emphasis on my current goals and put things into action. Small, realistic and progressive actions.

Just like writing those Study Guides. 6 out of 16 almost done. Let me get started with the 7th after this entry.


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