What recently happened that made you so proud of yourself?

365 QOTD

What recently happened that made you so proud of yourself?

*Deep sigh*

I can't really think of anything big or special or extraordinary that happened recently in my life.
Knowing that none of my plans will come to reality in the next few weeks, some had even been busted already, it is just hard to think of things to be grateful and proud for myself. But if you would consider getting up early, getting ready for work and maintaining that happy face in front of the kids and colleagues and friends and  the struggle to keep the daily energy and routine going despite negavibes and all, I think I can be proud of myself for that.


Got up early to prepare bento but I didn't really get to eat the konyaku I prepared as rice substitute. Before that, breakfast was just bread and butter and coffee in soymilk and that dietary fiber supplement and the MemoPlus tablet I try to take every day.

Day in school was quite normal. I have been trying to prepare within the school time but it just seem impossible and given the tasks and all other deliverables and back office jobs that needs to be done, I just need to be in the zone to get things done.

I still need to work on those Study Guides. I have completed re-writing 7 of 16. Aww.

My friend has arrived in Fukuoka! I wish I can meet her and her daughter right away but I am too far away and so it can't be helped. I am just excited for the weekend to come to meet her in person. They will stay in my house for the remaining days and it will be something amazing.

I just booked my plane ticket to Tokyo! Aside from Passport Renewal, Team Lab trip, School visit and hopefully, a Disney Sea trip, I just really wanna be there and feel Tokyo and the places around it. As there are a lot of offerings around, I can't help but make sure I have my options open and my choices known. But for now, I am rooted in Miyazaki and just like every other places I have planted a seed into, I hope to make it a good exit should I decide to do so.

Oh hay life, at the end of the day. Thank you for a good day, Lord.
Thank you for all the good people around me.
Thank you for all the blessings.
Thank you for the new puppy we got at home.
I hope you make me a blessing to others, too.

Tomorrow is another day.


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