Who was the first person you saw today?

365 QOTD

Who was the first person you saw today?

People I know? I saw Aoi when I went to Daiso this afternoon. I was moving my bike to another place when I saw her walking with her friends and I just can't help but hug her because it has really been awhile since I saw her in person and it was a good and quick meet up.

The day went by quick! All I did was a little bit of here and there and I hope to have a little bit of progress in it as well.

Starting tomorrow, I will be working further the lesson plans for the Cambodia project. I need to have a draft for editing within the week. I need to pick up the momentum of being able to write again.

I was able to answer a practice question for the Comprehensive Exam. But still lacking. I realized that it would be better to read during bed time and get up early and try to answer at least a question while prepping in the morning. On top of that, I also need to self-study basic research as well.

I need to book my flights for October and check if I can have a quick school trip in Taipei too. I need to have that double-checked and make the most of the almost 3-week holiday I requested. As I am financially-challenged at the moment, I need to make the most of the opportunity to travel and partner in Asia and everywhere. It is one thing that keeps me going.

I went out for dinner at the city festival and feasted on a glass of beer, yakisoba, potato fries and grilled pork. All good tummy stuff. LOL.

We did a quick drive at the sports shop and got myself a new pair of running shoes on sale. HAHA. Happy Birthday to me. Finding reasons to keep going to the gym and getting fit and hopefully, yummy. LOL.

I've been a little aloof from talking to family lately. I just really not feeling the best of me at the moment and would rather scroll on social media. I KNOW! I am such a loser on that department. I am also on the state of awareness and struggling on the detachment stage. But I will get there. I will need to get there if I really want to be productive and more productive every day. I am getting there. Way to go self.

Time to hit the shower and prep for back-to-school me tomorrow morning! :D


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