The Draft of Mid 2020

With me being stuck in here until I am very much ready to go somewhere else, with the pandemic being such a pain in the ass for shaking the very core of my being and daily motivation, I am making a new and improved target goals for 2020. 

Health and Present Relationship
I definitely intend to keep my circle small to that of my family and a very few friends whom I can trust. 

The visions need to have concrete reminders up in my wall. I am excited to stick one after the other the dreams I have made for myself. It worked out the last time, all of it. Then, I need to build the new ones. 

Research (LLE **0) 
The due dates had been moved to May 2021 for all the deadlines and all the papers to be in. Though there is an option to get complete grades as early as August 2020. 

I must find the courage to gather back the same amount of motivation and inspiration to get started with everything. Gaining momentum is one, keeping the FLOW is another. I had gained the momentum when I received that notice that I passed the Qualifying Exam to move forward to MLLE, kept it rolling until the start of the semester and then this invisible virus shook the entire world's order. In 2nd Law of Motion, it was that external force that changed the inertial force that used to keep me moving, its impact had been so negative, that I decelerated and now, I am in a new state of motion of being at rest. I still have that Potential Energy with a few heat loss along the way, but I still have that good amount of Potential Energy in me, just need to re-formulate the forces that will transform it into another form of useful energy for the universe to consume. 

Indeed, in life, you only need to learn the 3 Laws of Motion and understand the Universal Law Conservation of Energy to check if you are making a meaning out of your life. Or at least, that is for me. 

I really wanted to have a more meaningful output. Or actually, I just wanna be cute. LOL. I know that the things that I read, learn and come to realize are useful ones, and I want to share them, though, I know that not everybody would want to take a listen or hear it out, I think, putting it out there, is a good amount of trying to share. 

These are my probable topics: 
Theories and Principles of Language Learning 
The development process of my own research attempt 
The Problems of Rhetoric
Cover Songs (better voice quality and versions) (?) 

I have the equipment almost ready and complete, the content almost ready for re-arrangement and prioritization. Writing about it now makes me so excited. I just need to start on something. Investing on the hardware is a good sign, right? I can't let these tools go to waste. Also, I need to do it as a way for mastery of the course in itself. 

My friend had been really so optimistic that I learn Python programming and I can really see the potentials in acquiring mastery in it as everything around me progresses to being automated and monitored.  

I need to go somewhere else out of this country for a short while to breathe. I need to check if I will miss anything from here or if it would really be worth it to let it all go and be somewhere else. 

As always, the reason why I am stuck where I am at, is because I am barely at the survival level in terms of managing my own financial wealth. Might as well get that podcasting on the role, hoping it will become lucrative. LOL. Hashtag deeper intentions. 

Marriage and Own Family
Of course, it will be the last of the priorities for now. You just gotta find me :) 

Journaling it here so I can go back to it and see how far I have gone for it and how much time it took to achieve like the others. The Cambodia trip was something I wrote 5 years before it came into a reality. Changing the "dating" priority to "Marriage and Family" just because I think, I have already spent a good amount of time on dating and knowing how a guy thinks, setting the bar high up this time. 


  1. kabog naman ang Laws of Motion :)

    kung sakali, dito rin ba sa blog mo ang podcast cher kat? or ano bang platform ang para sa ganun? sa YouTube lang kasi ako familiar eh.

    1. Iniisip kong dito na lang din sa page ko, i-re-re-arrange ko ulit yung page to include the professional and the personal contents in to one. And i-a-upload ko sa youtube rin :D


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