Monday Rainy Blues

The skies are dark for days now. But it didn't stop me from going out yesterday. 

From riding into a wrong train, making it an hour later than expected to the meeting, a bit wet and litte chilly from the tiny drizzles, I thought, I have the Sunday escape adventure a disaster. In the end, it all turned out with a lot of unexpected surprises, conversations and simply sitting down by the beach, singing out of tune and letting go. My body tired yet, my mind was rejoicing. I had one of the lighest sleep I can ever remember having. And I fear that I might snap onto the kids today. I hope not. Nobody deserves my childish acts after having spent a relatively good Sunday. 

It is 1st of June, 2020. I have ran out of excuses not to start writing that baby thesis. Yesterday's event and meeting were good inspirations. Reminding myself not to expect anything out of it, is something that just happens to be as it is. 

Work on the goal. Stay healthy. Keep reading. Never stop dreaming. You'll get to see that Northern Lights, one night, some day. If you get luckier, you'll probably be holding the hand of that person who will never let go. 

Gloomy Monday. Cheesy dreams. Grateful heart. 
First of June 2020, please be kind. 


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