
Showing posts from June, 2023

29 June 2023

Life has been crazy, busy, messy and bittersweet recently.  Making life-changing decisions and setting up couple goals together with that of personal ones has been exhilarating and scary at the same time. But the past few months since I came back from the Philippines has been a good test of the times for the both of us and I couldn't imagine threading these challenges with someone else.  You know that determination of wanting to just be a good and improved person, that's all I ever want to be, for him coz he has been such an amazing partner and for myself, just so when it's him that needs my support and protection, I could be ready for him.  I'll start with the goals of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. It has been fluctuating and the past two years of working out has been a life-improving experience for me and I want to stick to it, so I'll stick to it. How?  So here are 3 habits I would like to re-live with:  1. Wake up. Get up. Exe...

23 June 2023

Most of the times, I feel so connected to the world, overly connected that I am so lost as to what could I positively do with my own life. As for people, I am very much connected with my partner and I am grateful for it. We are able to have so many levels of conversations- from crazy to really more life-changing plans and demands for personal and couple's growth. Also, I am growing this habit of early morning conversations with my mother. At around 9AM JST, I give her a video call and try to catch her on her busy moments of tending to her mini vegetable garden, setting up her sewing machine, or probably I just bothered her as she was watching some tutorial videos about gardening and cooking.  Over all, I feel connected, there are people who had suddenly felt I stopped connections with, but for sure it wasn't intentional. Life has just taken over in a different manner at this point and I am just gonna stay connected to those I care most, until they feel like connecting again or ...

21 June 2023

Some things missing in my life.  Financial security  Energy  Living up to a purpose  I wish I still had the level of energy I used to have a few years ago when I can wake up early, drive up to a hill, enjoy the rising sun, camp out and be able to do physical activity that had made me strong and with more energy . I wish I am more active on the circles of purpose I used to be so active into.  I wish I had the sense of carelessness I used to have and be able to travel more and more. And still be able to fulfill financial duties I had put myself into.  I think, just like others, I am deserving of such things but I am just not having the proper attitude on being able to do those things. Waking up early and typing things like this and doing small things to get accomplished.  Graduating a complete MA degree may just not be in the cards given the kind of teaching environment I am at but I don't think that is an issue. I am just looking at Language Education a...

9 June 2023

 I started desk works and coordination tasks today and I couldn't be more happier of being able to do so.  I also was able to start reading an article from theories of child development and it feels nice to be involved and to learn again and again.  I should keep doing this. More and more.  After all I have projects to do:  10-day Training Program for Teachers  Human Dignity Curriculum Adaptation for the Community  Preparation of Materials for Summer School Thesis writing that has been pending since pandemic Writing it here to remind me of personal commitments and goals. 

7 June 2023

In the modern times when people aren't really reading anything much that isn't easy-read, I still want to keep writing. Coz I know no one will be reading it.  Life lately has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. Not that I am not used to it, but since life lately has started being build with a partner, it has been different, in a good way.  Though we never really had gone through the usual stages of courtship and would most likely be skipping that of proposals and saying yes to the proposal, and just signing contract papers that is assumed to keep us stuck with each other for a lifetime, life has been good. God has been good. To me. To us. Well, specially to me.  I miss writing so much as it has been my way of writing my manifestations to the universe, my unspoken desires and my wild dreams. All of which, in one form or another have been happening in my life.  I should keep writing so I have something to remind me of my hopes and dreams, whenever I feel lost and s...