06 Dec Thankful Tuesday

Dedicating Tuesday morning thoughts of gratitude to these four people I have met in 2021. 

We were gathered as a group of alumni for an NGO we all had worked for. Me, being the pioneer, while most of them being new grads from the fellowship program of two years as public school teachers. 

I am grateful for them because they make me look forward for setting our meetings and always feel better after getting in touch with them. 

Though we all have our own quirks and differences, we were able to let go of our own judgments, enough to be able to speak out freely and vulnerably. When one speaks, the others listens and let one know that someone is listening. It is such a different kind of safe feeling. 

One day, we will have another meeting, over coffee and glasses of wine, in the Philippines, the place we all love so dearly. 



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