24 Dec 2021

 Every year, I make this post about Christmas and its meaning. For some reasons, the introduction I thought of for the post was: 

It is a bit difficult to post something grateful and happy about Christmas-- somewhere along that line. This year had been insanely tough in many aspects. It made me look back into how I had handled it all differently in 2020, which had been quite a year that despite its pandemic, I felt that I had thrived. 

But Christmas isn't about all those hardships that I had been going through, but it is all about faith and salvation. 

It was the day that Jesus Christ was born. He then suffered more hardships that I could ever imagine, for which, in exchange, if I believe in Him, I am bound to have an everlasting life in heaven. 


As we grow older, wearing pajamas, instead of something else that could make us look and feel good, are far better. Curled up in bed, snuggling or cuddled. For now, I am on my own. wrapped in thick blankets to battle the cold winter night ahead. 

Have to sleep early for a long drive tomorrow too. 

Happy Birthday Jesus Christ! 


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