Jinitsung Monday!

365 QOTD

Who was the last person you saw today?

Ms. E. We usually take the same stairs down to go out of the office building.

It is terribly hot today, but the sky is gloomy. So humid that every time I go out of the air-conditioned room, I feel sweaty and just uncomfy. If only I can go home and shower. Last Saturday, I did go home and took a quick shower, changed my top to get through with the day.

I can never get used to it. The Manila heat was something I had always despised. HAHA.

So, I just had downloaded the books for Remembering Kanji as I intend to dedicate the next 2 months for kanji and grammar studies for JLPT N3. I am not really sure if I can pass the N4 level this time but I am determined to take N3 in December and just keep on taking it until I get to pass it while I am still here in Japan. That is another way to keep myself occupied and apply the SL theories I am learning in my own MA studies, side-by-side.

Work has been becoming a bit of a challenge but still manageable. The key is always to keep myself occupied and look “productive” just so I can get myself excused from being asked about things that I am not supposed to fix, not entertain problems that I am not supposed to deal with in the first place.

Oh well. Managing people is a tough job and not everyone has the guts to deal with it, but I guess, there is always a space to learning something new that can be helpful in managing people and tasks.

For now, let me get started with this new N3 challenge I had put to myself.


  1. It's hot there too? Ours has been around 90+ F. So Jinit Jackson!


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