Monthly Thing.

After hours of karaoke singing, the train that didn’t come, the body-wrecking pilates and missing yoga this morning, I am back at my house and feeling that loneliness again.

This is a monthly thing, if you get what I mean.

I told my friend about what I was feeling and he instantly asked if I were having suicidal thoughts. To which I replied, “I have far too many dreams to even think of that.” I know that he was just really trying to check on me. Anyway, since I am good at diverting topics, I asked him about how it is going with his newfound girlfriend, and he is apparently having issues with it. He expressed his feelings of having difficulties in dating a career-driven lady. I told him to just find himself something else to do to keep himself busy.

Quick video calls with the parents and siblings this morning and a few exchange of messages with my uncle with him implying that if I could make time to come home to check on him for his surgery, to which I am actually considering.

Started draft for my DIY flashcards for the 600 basic Japanese verbs. Oh well, still a draft.

Read back Cosmos again and I am just amazed really by how good storytellers some physicists are, like Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking.

Taking advantage of the few more weeks to go before the new school year starts and crazy days ahead.

Monday tomorrow and I still need to do the laundry.

Am I still sad?
Not anymore.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings. You are the best!



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