What is stopping you?

365 QOTD

What is stopping you?

For most part, it’s the fear of rejection and getting a “no” for an answer. But I’ve learned that it is better to ask and be bold about it that having things left unsaid and unclarified. However, I am still learning how to frame my words to make sure that the correct meaning and intent gets across but there are times that I fail on that and may still need to clarify, worse is, it may result to unwanted negative feelings. Also, there are still boundaries about asking favors in friendship and even in family relations. 

Financial constraints. LOL. Not that I am really in poverty, but setting priority for long term goals sort of hinders me from wanting to enjoy a lot traveling, trying out new restaurants or buying some stuff online. I just keep telling myself that those things aren’t really necessary.


I had the luxury of watching the live coverage of the 3rd State of the Nation Address of Pres. Duterte because I was assigned to man the satellite school for the entire shift. We still have no enrollees so, I have the place and internet on my own. LOL.

I keep saying I miss my friends when things for discussion like this happens. Because I honestly miss having conversations about these kind of things. In our own little ways, we get to think about our actions and how we can make better impact in the lives of others and moreso, continually educate ourselves about learning to respect each other’s points of views and building ideas from it.

I miss the outreach programs, the simple teaching sessions that happen in church after the service, the unplanned shopping with siblings at the nearest thrift shop or just the trio song covers we used to do.

I am getting homesick for most part and much as I wanted to fly back home, it still a bit of difficult “financially” since I have upcoming enrollment fees for my grad school too. 

I have a mandatory 3-day summer leave from work that I need to use within the summer period but I am still not sure where to go and what to do.

I know my parents and my uncle are being taken care of by my sibs and cousins. It is just difficult to adjust when I used to be so deeply involved in the decision-makings at both homes. Nonetheless, it is good to see my younger siblings taking charge and making choices and me just being asked for my opinion.

Just another reminder that I am not getting any younger. 

Then, it is time for bed. Tomorrow is another day.  


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