I started the day right then ended it emo. Ugh.

Today, I started the day right.

Though, I woke up a little late than usual, I started it right with an hour of yoga practice, a good breakfast and a clean kitchen.

At work, everything seemed to have flown so slow.

I also took time to browse on jobs..... Yes, browsing on job somewhere. Then, I had to stop and ask myself why was I doing what I was doing.

I had to take a deep breath and just ask myself why was I doing it.

I love Miyazaki, I appreciate the people I have in my circle. It is such an ideal place of calmness and slowness of living. So comfortable that it had become uncomfortable that I would be so used to just being alone. Or maybe, I am just having this itchy feet to explore and do more.

I don't know. But one thing is, I am feeling that loneliness again. It is creeping into my veins, paralyzing me, swaying my vision away from goals and just making me feel as if I am nothing.

The place is so calm that it tells me that if ever I die soon, the world will just go on turning without me. They might not even notice that I am gone.

I wanted to write. I wanted to keep writing about what's going on in my head but I can't even seem to find the time to just sit and type away.

Emo shits again. When will this ever end.


  1. As I commented in your previous posts, learn to love your own company. Find things you'd like to do, learn, and explore in groups. Who knows, you'll find someone with the same interests as you. :)

    Keep writing and sharing your thoughts, plans, or experiences. That makes your blog and most especially you authentic. No filter.


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