2018, A Better Year It Has Been

I knew that I wasn't able to get a good look back about how my 2018 had been. But I knew that it had been better than before, still slow yet, better than ever.

As I check my blog, I did almost 180 posts, most of which are most likely containing the Question of the Day that I had been answering on its second year and yes, I intend to continue it this year as much as I can, most likely will be taking it to social media for more people to reflect on their day. With social media becoming immutable, it would probably be helpful to have people become more reflective and aware of how their lives had been going on. And I think, setting up QOTDs will be a good way to do so. It isn't mine, might as well, share it.

I was able to do my first leisure trip abroad at nearby countries- Thailand and Cambodia. Dreams do come true, it took awhile. But they do come true. Hard work, patience and strategy, make dreams come true. With that, I will continue to write down my dreams to give them a space of reminder and slow weaving into reality.

Two trips back home in 2018. Both were short but hopefully, I will be able to fly to my grandma's home this year.

I am definitely looking into changing career this year with a good friend who happened to be interested with my shattered ideas, most of the lucrative ideas will be coming from him that's for sure. If not, there a few part time jobs I can work on while I work my out into a better working environment where I will be given more freedom in terms of teaching strategies and approaches in language learning.

I definitely need to be more serious with my own Nihongo training. I took the exam twice in 2018 and failed the July's attempt and won't know the December's until end of January 2019. I am still a bit pessimistic about it, but I do hope that I pass it so I can move forward to the next level.

Biggest achievement of the year would probably be that content-writing project for an edu-tech company based in PH but have USA clients. The topic on electricity and magnetism was the toughest but I was able to do it. A good amount of money on my bank account for that, enough for me to spend for my Manila quick-trip.

Programming is still slow in progress, but definitely in the personal pipeline of learning. It is becoming inevitable.

Relationship status remained single despite the countable meet up with the same person whom I knew all along that there are vague chances for me, for the two of us. It felt like that maybe I don't really look desirable in the eyes of a man. !"#$%&& maybe, but too independent and one friend had said, "sweet and wholesome", enough to become a friend, but never to become a partner. Hayst. What can I say? I am trying my best to be more daring, but I am just not made for this society. I am not aggressive enough to be noticed. I intend to be found, not to find. Men hunt, women stay put.

Overall, 2018 had been good, blessed and full of gratefulness. These are the kind of things I intend to keep doing in 2019.

Work. Learn. Save. Travel.
With Faith, Love and Hope.

2019, please be kind, heart has grown cold and weak, may your time be more gentle and forgiving to this woman's soul. Shower her with courage and faith that all things will come together for the good. May your time be a moment for this young woman's life to be a mirror of God's faithfulness and wisdom to those who believe. May your time be a moment for this lady's ancestral purpose be fulfilled.


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