How. When. Who. What. To start.....

 It is past 0:30 and I should be soundly sleeping by now but here I am, I got up, poured myself some milk and typing this thing. 

There has been this topic I wanted to put up for a podcast but I am having doubts to get started with. As to why I am having doubts, I don't know. As usual, I am afraid to fail. I am scared. I don't think I have what it takes to do it. Most of all, I am lazy and I don't wanna get tired. LOL. But seriously, I just don't know how to start. When to start and who to start with. 

I messaged a couple of groups that I know would be potential persons to interview or discuss these things about hoping that we can collaborate and have the ball rolling. 

I hope, I pray and now, I wanna go back to sleep. 

I have a very early phone call to answer about some purchase in Amazon for someone else tomorrow as well. 

Also, I start work a bit early tomorrow too. I can't believe that this is the Mon-Fri workweek I am threading at the moment. Aside from the initial reject for the voice recording I sent my sister, I can say that I am getting into a very productive and positive week. 

I look forward for more positivity, productivity and healthier physicality and mentality. 

Good night. 


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