Keeping a Journal

I have currently listening to The Five Major Pieces of the Life Puzzle and one of its strong recommendation is to keep a journal. 

I always wish I can write more. Honestly, I wish I would be more brave to write whatever I feel like and I think. Most of the time, I am afraid to speak out my mind, other times, I am lazy or give it no time. 

A lot of things are running in my head, most of the time, I feel like they are poetic and then, I let the words pass by and forgotten after stirring the feelings at that very moment. 

The things is...

I need to write more.

I have to write more. 

I can write more. 

I do not need to be good at it. I just need to be able to convey the thoughts into words for its specific purpose.... be it for emo-shit, unloading, declaring or simply giving a #$&% about something or someone I care about, or sharing the hurt feelings and disappointment. 

Best part had been writing about goals! It is overwhelming to randomly look back on the days and read about how I just dream of something that I am now living today. 

It is about time to re-collect my thoughts about my dream life partner, my dream wedding and my ideal family life. It will be comforting to thing about as I complete the grad school goals that are already concrete for the taking and just needs some mindful actions. 

As my commute efforts become more comfortable, hopefully cut short in time for most, I will be able to have more time to think and write more about my life. 


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