List 5 things you wish you had with you today.

365 QOTD

List 5 things you wish you had with you today.

They aren't really things.

Today, I wish....
... I had a boyfriend/partner I can rant about my collab work with another class in grad school.
... I could have dinner with family.
... I could find more focus in what I do and what more could I do.
... I have enough money and passport powers to fly to places I want to go to.
... I have a lot of time to read and write.

I woke up late today. Which is quite bad for a rest day. But I did get up on time to prepare for the Japanese class. Finished my project for a subject in grad school due tomorrow and I was able to submit today! Yey! Working on the next project starting tomorrow as well.

I was able to squeeze in meeting two of my girlfriends while working today! We seldom have matching day offs so, today is one of those quickie days we got.

I am still in progress with adding more modules to write with the edutech team and it is just so amazing to see it expanding and approval.

I also saw a facebook pubmat with my face on it! Woohoo! Just feeling good about it. Reminding myself not to let it get in my head because what I did back there was very very small part compared to the contributions of others for the society. I am still a work in progress.

Still a lot of work to do.

Tonight, I wish I could get that good night hug for having a long, good Wednesday. Blue and Pooh can do that for me.


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